1. You want to become a member.
2. You want to learn about the basics of the Christian Faith.
3. You want to learn more about what it means to be a Lutheran Christian
There are four classes in our Foundations Series. They are on the first Thursday of every month.
The topics of the classes will cycle through so that each class is offered three times a year. If you miss a class, that class will be offered four months later.
The classes will run from 6pm to 7:30pm. Child care will be provided if requested. When you sign up for the class please indicate the number and ages of your kids.
Here are the four classes and some of the things that will be covered.
1. Salvation
How does God work in your life to bring salvation.
Topics: Baptism, Holy Spirit, Law AND Gospel and Daily Word and Prayer
2. Belonging
What does it mean to be part of a Christian community.
Topics: Communion, what are the expectations of members of Light of Christ and what should your expectations of Light of Christ be, LCMS and church governance?
3. Response
How are you to live in RESOPNSE to God’s grace.
Topics: 10 Commandments, offerings and Youth Ministries.
4. Served
God has served you. Now, how do you serve others.
Topics: Confession and absolution, Serving others and what does it mean to have a pastor?