One of the things that makes us different from other churches is that we want kids IN church. This is a shock to many since almost all other churches run children's programming at the same time as the worship service.
  • Won't my kids be a distraction during the worship service?

    Yes. We expect kids to be kids. Young kids can be squirrely. We get it. The noise and distraction of a child is a sign of life in a church.

  • You don't care if my child runs around the sanctuary or cries the whole service??

    We didn't say that. Some distractions are normal. We do expect kids to act like kids. At the same time, we expect parents to act like parents :). If your child is worked up or making a lot of noise, take your child outside until they settle down and bring them back inside. (You should do the same when you go to a restaurant too!) This shows your child that church is important. Another helpful thing to remember is to sit where you can get out of the room quickly. You may not want to sit in the front row.

  • My kids won't get anything out of the service.

    NOT TRUE! Kids pick up way more than we think they do. They do listen and hear parts of the service. Many times, parents are shocked when their kids talk about things said in church. But, more important is what they learn by watching you worship. You model how to worship for your child.

  • I may not get anything out of the service

    Yes. You may miss some (or all) of what is going on. Just like you may eat a cold dinner at a restaurant because your were outside with your child while they settled down. Raising kids is tough. Remember, there may be days or times you don't get anything from a service but you will be teaching your child a very valuable and eternal lesson about being in church.

  • Is there a place children can go during the worship service?

    In the sanctuary, we have a nursery that has a window looking into the sanctuary and you will be able to see and hear the service. Parents or Guardians should expect to stay in the room. The target age for this room is 0-5 years old. If your child has certain needs, and is older than five, feel free to utilize this room.

  • How can I teach my child to sit through a worship service?

    Many parents bring 'quiet toys' or coloring pages for kids. In the sanctuary, there are "busy boxes" for kids that have quiet toys and coloring items for kids. Another thing you can do at home is "practice sitting through church" Explain to your child that worship is important and we need to learn how to sit during the service. Tell them that you are going to pretend we are in church and practice sitting quiet. Then, have the whole family sit down on the couch as if they were in church. Do this for two minutes or so to model how to sit in church. DON'T DO A WHOLE HOUR!!! Do this every night and your child will begin learning what they are supposed do

  • Is there anything else I need to know?

    Remember this: the "Susher" is often louder than the "Sushee".

Raising your kids in the faith is THE primary responsibilities parents have. The church is not responsible for raising your kids in the faith but is here to help you do this. Here are some things to consider as you navigate the faith journey of your kids.
  • The BEST thing you can do to teach your kids the faith

    The best way to teach your kids the faith is to live out your faith so they can see you do it. Being a part of a Growth Group is a great way to model the faith for your kids. Going to church to hear the Gospel, reading scripture and praying daily are what you should be modeling for your child. You can do these things with your kids and let them see you doing them as well.

  • Don't be afraid to show your failures, doubts and questions

    Kids need to see that the Christian journey can be difficult at times. Having doubts and questions is normal. It can even be healthy if you are seeking out the answers. Faith formation (for you and your children) is a process and a journey, with ups and downs. Let your child know they can have questions about God and faith.

  • Have faith conversations regularly

    Use opportunities to bring God into the conversation. For example, If your child is struggling with something, remind them God is with them and that you guys are going to pray 'right now'. If your child is struggling with someone at school you can talk about how Jesus would respond in that situation. If your child makes a mistake that is a sin, talk to them about the forgiveness we have in Jesus.

  • Make church and Youth Programming a priority

    The more Christian adults who get involved in your child's faith development, the stronger their faith will be. You also want to be active in the church and get to know other members. There will be a time when your kids listen to others and not you. Having a good church community to help is invaluable. At the same time, you can be the one who helps another child in their faith. It really does take a community.

  • Most important

    PRAY. Many parents pray for their kids' health and safety. We want to also encourage you to pray for your child's faith.

  • What if I have more questions or follow up?