Elders Meeting – Tuesday, February 18th at 6:30pm
Preschool Prayer Program
The preschool seeks nine church-family sponsors who want to participate in the Preschool Prayer Program. We have nine new students who have recently started school. As a sponsor, you commit to praying for your preschool child and their family throughout the school year. We are also asking for a $25 donation to help cover the cost of your child's bible and gifts bought by the preschool for your child's birthday and other special holidays.
Brenda Ruehs will have a table outside the sanctuary between services on Sundays, January 19th and 26th. You can sign up in person or email Brenda at bruehs.loc@gmail.com.
Ladies’ Night Out March 13th
Join us for Ladies' Night Out on Thursday, March 13 6-8 pm in The Fellowship Hall. Tickets will be starting this Sunday. Tickets are $15 presale and $20 at the door. We are having a taco bar catered and play Bingo afterwards. We will have coffee, tea and water available and feel free to bring your own beverage. Come join us and have some great fellowship fun! Any questions contact Julie Voelz 949-933-9170.
Large Prescription Pill Bottles Needed
We are collecting empty large prescription pill bottles for the month of March. There will be a labeled collection box located at the back of the church. For more information contact Noël at dcenoel@gmail.com
LOC Women’s Ministries Updates
February we will be collecting hygiene products for Lutheran Social Services. Please look for signup sheets in front of the church to sign up and bring specific items so we don't duplicate them.
March 13th we will have a fun ladies' fellowship dinner & Bingo at 6:00-8:00. We will have a catered Mexican food dinner and then play Bingo afterwards! Cost is $15 advanced sign-up and ticket purchase or $20 at the door. We will start selling tickets in February.
If any ladies in the congregation would like to help on a Women's Ministries committee to help plan volunteer opportunities as well as a few fellowship events for ladies at church, please contact
Julie Voelz at 949-933-9170.
Adult Ed: Torah Study
Throughout the month of January and into early February we will be studying the Torah (first five books of the Old Testament). The Growth Group readings during this time correlate to the book that we will be looking at each Sunday. The goal of this study is to give you sample readings of the various books within the Torah, as well as to give you a larger narrative overview of this important section of the Old Testament (the foundation for the entirety of the Old Testament). In addition, it is our goal to point out to you where you can see Christ within the Torah. Whatever your level of engagement with the Bible we hope that you will join us for this study.
Feb. 2 - Deuteronomy
Upcoming Adult Ed: The book of Colossians.
We will be working through the book of Colossians. To go along with the class is our reading schedule. Day 1, read chapter 1. Day 2, read chapter 2, Day 3, read chapter 3, Day 4, read chapter 4. Then repeat the process. The goal is to be reading through this book as we are studying it. If you read the whole book in one setting it would take between 12 and 15 minutes. Colossians has some of the best Christology and you really get to see the Apostle Paul’s pastoral heart. Join us February 9, 16, 23 and March 2 from 9:20-10:15am.