We get it. Visiting a new church is a big step. Let us take a shot at answering any questions you might have before you come to join us. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, feel free to email us!
Click the link for door to door directions to Light of Christ. You can also find a link at the bottom of each page of our website.
First Service: 8am
Bible Study and Sunday School: 9:20am to 10:15am.
Second Service: 10:30am
We want kids in our worship services. This is one thing that seperates us from most other churches. Families are seperated enough during the week. Let’s not add another time.
We have a LOT more info about kids in church and we invite you to read through these things for more information.
The 8am service: The pastors will wear robes and the music will most often be accompanied by organ.
For the 10:30 service: The pastors don't wear a robe and music can be accompanied by a variety of instruments from keyboard, guitar and any other instruments we may have with us that day.
The sermon is the same in each service, there is an invocation and benediction, a confession and absolution (forgiveness) and a Creed (either the Apostle's Creed or the Nicene Creed).
There is a reason, and name, for each part of our worship service.
The 8am service is typically an hour to an hour and ten minutes.
The 10:30am service is between 45 minutes and an hour.
Come exactly as you are - don’t dress up or down for anyone.
Copy and paste
If you are in a wheel chair, use a walker, or would rather not climb any stairs, you can get up to the sanctuary using the path that is to the left of the preschool building (If you are facing the preschool from the parking lot).
Light of Christ is a proud member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).
People often say, communion is between "me and God". This is not wrong but it doesn't tell the whole story. Communion is between 'you and God' but it is also between 'God and us’. Because of this, we want people who commune here to have the same beliefs about communion as the rest of this community.
Theology matters and what we believe about theology in a congregation matters. Our theology of communion is the bread is BOTH bread AND body of Jesus and the wine is BOTH wine AND the blood of Jesus. If your views are different we ask you to do one of two things. During our time of communion, either stay in your seat as others go up or come up to the table, cross your arms over your chest as you signal you won't be taking communion but you would like a blessing from the pastor.
If you are visiting on a communion Sunday (the first, third and fifth Sunday of the month). Please arrive about 10 minutes before service and talk with a pastor or elder if you have any questions or would like to discuss this. We also ask, if you are a member of a different LCMS congregation that you let the pastor or elder know before the service so we can commune together.
Our 8am service will have communion as part of the service. The 10:30 service has communion following the service.
Hello, my name is Jim, and I am the pastor at Light of Christ Lutheran Church.
Welcome to Light of Christ. We are a group of people who are on this journey of faith together. This journey has ups and downs. We are a church for those who are struggling with whatever life is throwing at them. We are also a church for people who are not struggling. Life in the church is no different than the life we all live. There are good times and difficult times. We have everyone from singles, families with kids of all ages and of course our Amazing Grey’s- our senior members. Come join us!
One thing that sets us apart is the Sunday morning message. Most pastors preach for 45 minutes - or more! Our sermons are about 20 minutes long. Yes, they are shorter than most other pastor’s sermons but they are powerful and you will remember more of the message. If that doesn't get your attention I don't know what will.
As a church, we realize that the Christian life is to be lived daily. Our Growth Groups help us to this. Daily bible reading and prayer is very important. We also make sure to hear the Gospel and we attend church to do so. We also know that our faith is not just "between me and God". Faith is between us (all of us as a community) and God. The Christian life is to be lived in community- not alone.
I want to invite you to attend a worship service a few times and come see experience what we are about. I know attending a church the first time can be awkward and difficult. I can’t take that aspect from you but I can tell you that when you leave you will think, “Okay, that wasn’t too bad to go through. I am glad I gave it a try.”.
Continue looking through this website to learn more about us and if you have questions, please ask. Blessings to you as you search for a new church home!
Pastor Jim