Light of Christ (LOC) is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). Theology is important. Most Christians don’t understand the significance of knowing theology and the theology of the congregation they are a part of. IT MATTERS!
What you and we believe as a community matters. God's Word is our rule and norm of faith for our lives and for a congregation. It is important that you understand the basics of God's Word. The core of our Theology is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.
One thing you need to know is that it is not “You and God” it is “Us and God” There is certainly an individual component to your faith and we in America know that part well. However, Christians forget that being part of a community means something. Most of the New Testament is written to churches and not to individuals. This is important to keep in mind. Click here for a biblical example
Our Foundations Class is the Next Step to becoming a member. You can learn more about our classes, when they are, and sign up at the link below.
- Theology matters to you.
- You believe our lives together with other members and visitors matters- for you and them.
- You want to let God shape you to be who He wants you to be. Maturing in your faith.
- You want a pastor to check in with you and how your faith is going.
1. Faithfully preach the Gospel every worship service and faithfully administer the Sacraments.
2. Pray for you at least once a week and possibly up to three times a week.
3. Be intentional in helping you do the things that lead to Spiritual growth.
4. Help you in serving others, in the church and in the community, and tell others about Jesus.
1. Faithfully attends worship weekly
2. Is doing the things that let God shape them to be who He wants them to be.
3. Serving inside the church (church programs and activities) and/or outside the church (benefits a group outside of LOC).
4. Is working towards becoming a tither (add one percent every three months to your current giving). Once you become a tither- start sacrificial giving- which is more than 10%.
We need to be in church to hear the Gospel. What does it mean when we say Gospel? A sermon should point out your sinfulness (The Law) and then point you to the one who has paid the price for your sins through the cross and the empty grave- Jesus (The Gospel).
The law is preached, not to make you “feel bad” but to show your need for a Savior. If you don’t know you are sinful, then you don’t know you need a Savior. Our sins are called out to bring us to the cross of Jesus. The Gospel (Law and Gospel) brings us before the cross and resurrection of Jesus. The Law reminds us of exactly WHY we need Jesus.
The Sacraments (Baptism and Communion) point us to the grace of God in Christ Jesus. In Baptism we are claimed as Children of God. Our baptisms also connect us with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Communion, we are reminded of the price Jesus paid for our salvation- His death on the cross. Baptism and Communion bring us to the cross of Jesus where we are confronted with what Jesus has done for us and our salvation. He accomplished what we cannot do. In Jesus, we are forgiven sinners and declared righteous by God.